by Kelley Coleman


the audience

According to the CDC: Birth defects affect 1 in every 33 babies born in the United States each year. That translates into about 120,000 babies. 

Holy crap, right?

These are people's babies we're talking about. One of those babies was mine. And, I've discovered that every parents who finds themselves in this situation has to reinvent the wheel every single time. There's no handbook for how to do this. Until now. 

Who needs this book?

In addition to those 120,000 families in the United States alone, over THREE MILLION children in the United States have a disability. Plus 61 million adults. According to The World Bank, 15% of the world's population - that's ONE BILLION people - experience some form of disability. 

This is a real thing that needs a real starting point. YOU WILL FEEL BETTER is that starting point. 

And, for those of you who love an infographic as much as I do (hint: probably not quite as much as I do - I really love a good infographic), good news! The CDC is making good use of your tax dollars, with this: 

Temp photo. Do these ladies know where they're going? Nope. Neither do I! Wheee, let's all wear funny hats and impractical shoes for a bike ride!